site map

  • ♡ index — landing page
  • ♡ home — features introduction and about username
  • ♡ diary — where I write about myself
  • ♡ webmistress — information about me
  • Favorite sites



    If you want your button here, feel free to leave a message on my Neocities profile. Preferably other sites with similar aesthetics and content!

    credits and resources

    Coded with VScode

    I was able to set up automatic updates from VScode to Neocities with scumsuck's resources and petrapixel's guide.

    homepage layout: worked off of theme 12 by repth and cyanobacteria by ribose

    diary: worked off of theme i by repth

    music player:

    patterns: fool lovers and rachychel

    custom cursors: cursors-4u

    file hosting: I only use it for music since this site doesn't work on everyone's end, and the servers tend to go down often.

    Banner illustration from Noizi Ito