IMPORTANT! A few of my reviews might be for 18+ media, meaning series that have sexual or violent content. I'm not going to write anything graphic or use NSFW images, and each entry will have its own age rating and warnings. I'm actually not sure how many series I want to write about here since this is really nerve-wracking and embarrassing for me, and there aren't a lot of explicit series I even want to talk about. These reviews are intended for other adults who don't mind these topics, but I know I can't stop everyone else from reading them. What I write won't be explicit, but if you go out of your way to read or watch these things, that's on you!
I have my media log where I write about things Ive been up to and what I'm currently interested in, but this page is for "reviews" for anything that I just want to talk in-depth about. I'm considering if I want to use a rating system.
There's nothing here yet!