June 14th marks this site's 1-year anniversary! Thank you to anyone that's been here since the start and to anyone who's a recent viewer! To celebrate, I made this page for my anniversary Q&A.

hiii Rin ! how did you get into coding and website making? happy site anniversary

Hi! For me, my interest in coding and website making started during my last year of high school! The thing that sucked about the school that I went to was that you couldn't join a lot of clubs or special classes unless you were in 10th-12th grade, so I joined any of the ones that involved graphic/web design and writing when I finally could. I've always been more into creative activities than physical ones, but my interest for web design came from when I had to use Google Sites for a project in 12th grade and had a lot of fun with it. Later that same year, I was able to join the class for coding, which I was really excited about, but then I found out that it was more like a study hall, but if you needed help with something, the teacher would be there. I ended up learning HTML/CSS on my own, and my teacher would go through my code to find any errors for me. I really appreciated her! The websites that I made at the beginning were extremely bare. I even submitted one of them into a small competition because my teacher wanted me to, but I procrastinated until the last second and wasn't happy with it. Even if I started my project sooner, I don't think I had enough knowledge to make a presentable website. After graduating, I tried working on a personal website and then made some progress with a Devilman fansite, but I felt like I wasn't understanding a lot of things, and it was really demotivating. I got back into coding/website making over last year's summer and especially a few months ago when I deactivated a lot of my social media accounts. Sorry for the lengthy answer!

Are you having a nice day??? And, more importantly, do you feel proud of yourself for having kept working on this website for a year and having made it so far? I hope many lovely days come for you

I am having a nice day, thank you very much! :D I hope you are having a nice day too! I mentioned in my previous answer that I started coding before this site's creation, and it took me a long time to feel proud of myself because of my lack of understanding and progress. But after this site's revamp in March, a lot of things have finally started to make sense, and I'm really happy with how it is so far! I'm not really good with big projects, but having this website is really nice because I can work on a little bit at a time and see how things are coming along. I still have so many ideas that I look forward to working on... Thank you again for your kind message!

heeheheehee you'll never know who sent this anonymous message -parsley

To a certain Parsley out there... Thank you for being an amazing friend! I always appreciate your support so so much!

What is your favorite thing? (Anime/game/book etc)

I have a lot of favorite things! Maybe one day I'll write what my favorite things are for a whole list of categories, but for now, I'll just list some things I'm currently into!

Anime: I don't have a recently watched anime that I think a lot about besides Princess Jellyfish and season 2 of TGCF. Some anime that I've always loved are Sailor Moon and Death Parade!

Manga: Besides that one manga, I love the original Devilman so much!!! I should reread it since it's been awhile. I'm so sad that the original story will probably never get a full adaptation, since Crybaby butchered the original story SO badly. Maybe one day I'll get around to making a page for why I love Devilman so much... Other manga I really liked are My Broken Mariko and Orange.

Game: Splatoon 3 is the game that I play the most, but my all-time favorite is probably MySims Agents. A few months ago, I was replaying it and even uploading my gameplay and commentary on YouTube, but I lost a lot of my motivation to finish the game and have since privated all of the videos. I've also been a fan of RPG horror games since 2012 with Ib, The Witch's House, and OFF being my favorites since then, and I got into Fear & Hunger last year!

Book: Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech has stuck with me for years, and it's hard (and too personal) to explain why. I've never sobbed from reading a book before until I finished this one. I should really reread it again to see if I would still like it... I've been trying to get back into reading (not including manga) and checked out a bunch from the library, but the only book I've been enjoying recently is TGCF. I'm only on chapter 2, but it's been a fun read!

Music: My friend Tandee very recently introduced me to BUCK-TICK... I can't believe what I've been missing out on... The first song I listened to was Dress, and I can't even decide which one is my favorite because I love what I've heard so far! Music aside, I can't believe how talented and beautiful Atsushi Sakurai is. I hope he has been resting peacefully.

what are some of your favorite vocaloid songs and producers?

This reminds me that I should really make a Vocaloid page considering it's something I've loved for so long... I've been a fan of Kikuo and Siinamota for years! My favorite Kikuo songs are I'll Forgive You Even if You Die and Let's Go to Heaven, and my favorite Siinamota songs are Strobe Light and Han Shin Han Gi Me. I'll definitely write about other producers and songs in the future!