
MySims is finally on the Switch!

media: games

date: 8/29/24

Honestly, when my friend saw a rumor last week on Twitter that MySims was coming to the Switch, I kind of thought it was too good to be true. I've wanted MySims on the switch for years and believed that if it didn't happen before, then it wasn't going to happen ever. But it did! The same friend even sent me a confirmation tweet the other day, but I somehow didn't see their messages until last night.

Weirdly enough, I bought MySims some years ago because I haven't played it since I was little, and then later bought MySims Kingdom because I never got to play it at all. And now they're coming out on the Switch... I've just had the Wii games untouched on my shelf this whole time, so I really should at least play them, but I really want to experience them on the Switch too, but the bundle is $40... The biggest selling point for me would be that the Switch port would hopefully fix the awful amount of time it took in between loading screens and the text that would get cut off in text boxes. I'm not really going to think about buying this any time soon since I'm currently trying to save up a lot of money.

I was really hoping that MySims Agents would come to the Switch too, but I've played that game an absurd amount of times... I mostly want more people to play Agents because I think the dialogue and gameplay is really enjoyable. I even have an unlisted playlist where I did a let's play to show my friends, and I had so much fun revisiting the game since it had been a few years. I had a thought that maybe I wouldn't mind if Nintendo/EA made more bundles for the other games in the franchise, but if they were going to price them all at $40 each, then I would most definitely pass. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they end up doing.

Latest Edits (WIPs/scraps)

media: projects

date: 6/30/24, 7/5/24

I meant to write this entry a couple of weeks ago back when I was actually working on these edits, but you know how it is. -_-; I usually only show my art projects to my friends since I'm kind of a shy person, but I was really happy with how these were coming along and wanted to write a little bit about them!

I started this one on June 13th. I've had this edit idea for soooo long (ie the past 4-6 months maybe) but completely avoided it because I didn't know how I would actually go about it... but I think I figured something out... Ever since I first heard this song, I always wanted to make something for this character since I thought a lot of the lyrics had the subtext of homophobic parents knowing that their son is gay, even though some other lyrics contradict that. This would be my first time making a lyric-styled video, and maybe that's easier than putting together a bunch of panels. I'm just not really sure what to do for the rest of this since I have a minute of the audio left, and I've already used up all of the decent looking panels of the main character's parents. -_-; I also have overly ambitious ideas for how I would stylize the chorus parts. I started working on this mostly because I wanted to take a break from working on other projects, so I'm trying not to pressure myself to work on this. I've been very slowy working on another edit for this series, but I can only share it with my most trusted friends...^^;

I started this one about a week before Hua Cheng's birthday and originally wanted to finish it before then, but I ended up making my TGCF shrine to celebrate instead. I don't really like slowed/pitched down versions of songs, but this is one of my few exceptions... I love Tame Impala a lot and thought this song would be really fitting for Hua Cheng. I started this project right after I got CapCut Pro and got to mess around with all of the locked transitions/effects. I kind of lost the motivation for this one after his birthday passed, but also because I didn't want to go through the donghua for more clips. I was originally only using panels from the manhua, but the more I skimmed through it, the less I enjoyed how it looked in my edit. The art style for the manhua is beautiful, but maybe too beautiful? It's just a couple of nitpicks I have. -_-; I feel like the characters' faces aren't really expressive, or like, the expressions don't match with what's happening. My main nitpick is just how Xie Lian and Hua Cheng look. It's like. Xie Lian's uke-ness and Hua Cheng's seme-ness got cranked up ALL the way, and it's kind of off-putting to me. I really love how the characters look in the donghua, so that's why I wanted to redo parts of this edit, but that's so much work... I also want to include more of the novel illustrations since they're really cute.

This is an edit I scrapped months ago, but I wanted to show it off somewhere so that it doesn't get forgotten... I've been in love with this song for yeeaarss and wanted to make something for it. I reread My Broken Mariko a few months ago, so that's what led me to start this project! I honestly didn't have much of a plan. I was just animating random panels that I thought would look nice. This was a really experimental edit for me and I wish I did more with it, but oh well! ^^;

I'm probably not going to work on these edits or start any new ones this month. I've been having a hard time focusing on my passion projects lately, but I wanted to try spending this month on developing my OCs! I also wanted to try participating in Art Fight again, even though I don't feel really motivated for it. ^^;

Media Log Update!


date: 6/1/24

I finally changed the layout for this page... huzzah! I thought using a different layout before would make my site more interesting, but it was kind of out of my comfort zone. ^^; I know using the same layout on every page might be boring, but as long as it works for me and anyone else, then it should be fine! I had a hard time picking out the theme images and songs, so all of those might change in the future.

I have sooo many things I've been wanting to write about, and I could just use the excuse that the old layout was demotivating me, but other than that, I don't really know why I've been putting off writing about my activities and thoughts. I mentioned in my previous entry that I've been keeping a daily streak for anime and manga, and it's still going strong (I'm at 43 days now), but it would be even more rewarding if I actually used this media log. Instead of writing about all of the things I've been into within one entry, most of them will probably have their own entry. Please look forward to it!

Getting Back into Anime and Manga

media: anime, manga

date: 5/7/24

I've been watching anime and reading manga for 18 days in a row, and I hope this streak can last for awhile! I've decided to keep track of this hobby because it's something I really want to get back into and be consistent with. It's not too troubling for me to dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to anime and manga. Although I still have hundreds of series on my planning lists, I'm still making progress as the pace I'm going. I recently finished Jellyfish Princess, and I loved it so much! I also only have a few episodes left of Popee The Performer, which I originally started watching in 2017-2018. As for what I'm currently reading, I'm halfway through My Girl, and I'm really close to finishing Narutaru. I also got a few manga from the library, but I'll write about them in a future entry.